Hollywood Pumps the Emotional Strawman/Poisoning the Well

Thanks to my colleague Ami for pointing this out to me.

Comedian Owns MSNBC "Anchors": Clothing and Credibility and Other Valuable Lessons

I thought I hated this guy.  The whole thing is worth watching.  They are underhandedly treating Mr. Brand poorly and he picks up on this and throws it right back in their face.

His media critique opens up around 3:50.

Strawman, accent/clothing and credibility, apple polishing and ridicule/sarcasm all are nicely used to attack "him" and he counter-attacks beautifully.

Red Herrings (including Personal Attack Ad Hominem) and the NSA

Start at 4:38 end 8:20.

Adult Ambiguity

Strawman via Lies by Omission/Selective Editing

Scare Tactics