Problem of Evil: Thelogian Fails!

This guy (Plantinga) is considered brilliant among Catholic philosophers.

So is Plantinga saying that God had a good reason for the Holocaust?  Seems
like it.

Is a direct implication of this that the Holocaust, from God's point of view,
was a good thing?  Seems like it.

I personally find that scary.


This is more for my Existentialism class. I'll be collecting clips of Bukowski's poetry and listing them here.

Having said that I believe he can give any Critical Thinker some opportunity for reflection in the spirit of Socrates' dictum that "The unexamined life is not worth living." (Apology 38a)

'On the Hustle':

The Case of Kanzi: Animal Language Acquistion?

The worry is that such demonstrations merely show what psychologists call a CR or "conditioned response." That is the animal, the skeptic asserts, has just learned to link a certain picture with an object. In order to demonstrate language acquisition one would need to show that the animal displays more than the understanding of the meaning of individual words (semantics = word meaning) but can string them in appropriate ways (syntax = sentence structure).

Consider the following:

Just for kicks here is Kanzi playing Pac-Man.