Rhetorical Explanations/Circumstantial Ad Hominem

When certain political parties are in power, or are striving to be in power, they tend to abandon their rationality. Most of my previous posts have been about the powerless at the time. They were generally more rational and from the left.

Now that the "left" are in power-- WHOA! Here is a great example of a two left-wingers just off the charts insane in terms of rational discourse. Shame on Olbermann who until recently had been as "hot-headed" as his opponents but has also presented real arguments.

This whole clip is a mish-mash of of a massive dose of rhetorical explanations/ circumstantial ad hominems (these people are just saying what they are saying since they are racists, are over-ridden by the limbic brain, stockholm syndrome controls them, just looking for a reason to yell at a black president, etc.--take your pick of left-wing targets) and dysphemisms ("tea bagging red necks" "white power activists")... ughhh. This is absolutely awful.


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